Make it Simple For People to Deal With You

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It should be very simple for your customers to reach you. All barriers standing between this smooth line of communication between you and your customers should be broken down.

1-800 Number and Reply Paid Address:

Make it simple for people to deal with you. A free call number and reply paid address means the barriers to people buying are slightly lower.

If your competitors are offering this kind of service you must also.

Here are useful hints and tips to this end:

    1. Print them on all your correspondence and stationery.
    2. Include the 1-800 number in advertising and in the phone book.
    3. If possible, print your reply paid address on an envelope which makes it even easier for people to respond, especially if you are direct mailing.

About ActionCOACH

Brad Sugars founded the brand Action International in 1993 when he realized there was a disconnect between business advice and implementation. The answer was Action! Brad Sugars created a business coaching company so that business owners throughout the world can realize their goals in business. Today the company is known as ActionCOACH. To learn more about business, visit Brad Sugars Review blog!