2017 - ActionCOACH - Page 3

Yearly Archives: 2017

unhappy at work

Unhappy at Work? Find Your Reasons

Unhappy at Work? Find Your Reasons According to a Gallup poll taken in 2015, only 32% of the American workforce describes themselves as “actively engaged” in the workplace. This refers to people that are not only satisfied with their jobs, but are motivated to seek out new challenges and…

keep employees happy at work

How to Keep Your Employees Happy at Work

Managing a business successfully requires that you possess the complete package, so to speak. You need to have strong interpersonal skills as well as strong technical skills, which is a combination of traits that few people possess. This is why business owners hire people to do the bulk of the work,…

Qualities of Good Leaders

Qualities of Good Leaders

If you type in “qualities of a strong/good/effective leader” in a search bar, you’ll get a thousand different results by all sorts of people. Countless numbers of books have been written about leadership, and the kinds of advice you’ll receive may or may not pertain to your f…

What to Do if You are Being Harassed at Work

What to Do if You are Being Harassed at Work?

What to Do if You are Being Harassed at Work? Every person should have the expectation of a safe workplace. This doesn’t just include occupational hazards, but also from the people you work with. In an ideal world employees don’t get bullied or harassed by their coworkers, but as many of…


How Sleep Deprivation Can Affect Your Work Performance

How Sleep Deprivation Can Affect Your Work Performance If you are an executive or owner of a business, you can probably count yourself amongst those who routinely run on minimal amounts of sleep – four to five hours a night is not uncommon. Margaret Thatcher was famous for only getting four ho…

Trends in Franchising

Trends in Franchising 2017

Trends in Franchising 2017 As ActionCOACH business coaching celebrates its 20th anniversary in franchising, I would like to revisit the humble beginnings of franchising as a business model and show how franchising has adapted to the needs of both consumers and entrepreneurs alike, making it one of t…

Managing Teams

Things to Avoid When Managing Your Team

Things to Avoid When Managing Your Team I’m sure everybody reading this article knows somebody who can regale you with tales of a nightmarish boss. You might even be that person. Power trips, backstabbing, favoritism – some bosses, intentionally or unintentionally, purposefully pit their…