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Articles tagged under “#Business Goals”

The Employment Exodus: Time to Own Your Own Business

Usually after some types of economic upheaval consumer trends, buying habits and business practices are altered. After a cycle of economic downturn, come periods of prosperity and stability. Conversely, evitability after periods of economic growth, market downturns are not uncommon. These predictabl…

When to Trust the Voice in Your Head.

“It’s what you say to yourself, about yourself, when you are by yourself that is the most important.” This quote from Brad Sugars, Founder and CEO of ActionCOACH and the world’s #1 Business Coach in the world most recent DriveTime video session on Facebook reminded my about how we can turn t…

Systems Don’t Kill Creativity.

We are all familiar with IQ Testing designed to scientifically measure so-called intelligence in adults and children. While there is a great debate over the accuracy and relevance of IQ testing in today’s business world, there is no doubt that fostering and measuring innovation is critical to busi…

Working ON your Business Vs. Working IN your Business

Michael E. Gerber, an author and business expert once said, “If your business depends on you, you don’t own a business – you have a job. And it’s the worst job in the world because you’re working for a lunatic!” So many business owners get burnt out fast when opening a new enterprise, be…

Teaching Teams New Tricks

While watching the U.S. Olympic trials, it struck me how much time and energy each athlete must put into their discipline to reach that level of success necessary to reach the Olympic level of performance. Whether a single sport or a team endeavor, the skills, knowledge, and experience feel daunting…

The Dark Side of Leadership: The Effects of Bad Leadership on Team Dynamics

We can all recognize the ‘dark side’ of leadership. Yelling, ranting, autocratic, micro manager who is never satisfied and never provides feedback unless it is negative. These volatile, destructive “Leaders” don’t do any leading except to serve as examples of what not to do, and team membe…

Where is Waldo? Finding the Best Talent

Sometimes hiring can seem like an exercise in “Where’s Waldo”. Searching through mounds of resumes. Completing phone screenings. Scheduling interviews for the top choices, all to find out they have already taken another job or simply don’t show up for the interview. You think you found the r…

Team Starts with Trust

Before you can build an effective and productive team, you need to build trust within your organization from top to bottom. There is no room in today’s business climate for hidden agendas or a secretive environment. Trust is fragile and it’s hard to build a foundation within an organization unle…

Team Isn’t a 4-letter Word

Most of us cringe when we hear there is an upcoming teambuilding, morale improvement, employee engagement, and team productivity workshop that we are expected to attend. Why are we so turned off? What is it about team dynamics that challenge many of us? Why does the idea of working on teambuilding c…

Pay it Forward. Ways A Business Can Give Back.

Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Corporate philanthropy has never been more important. Since the pandemic started, nonprofit organizations have seen their monthly donations drop and the loss of volunteers has crippled the deliver…