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Articles tagged under “#Employee Engagement”

Does Your Giving Program Align with Your Company’s Mission?

Businesses are beginning to understand that they need to have a corporate mission and a philanthropy to compete in today’s world. In addition to solving an immediate problem, younger generations insist that the companies they choose play a role in helping better the world in some way. And having a…

Pay it Forward. Ways A Business Can Give Back.

Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Corporate philanthropy has never been more important. Since the pandemic started, nonprofit organizations have seen their monthly donations drop and the loss of volunteers has crippled the deliver…

Justice, Equity and Fairness. How Business can Improve Employee Morale.

We throw the words justice, ethics, fairness, and equity around in business all the time. Many believe these words have similar meanings and that they can be applied with the same scale of measurement in both business life and public life. It is important to define each word and clearly align them w…

5 Ways to Build Trust in Your Business

As businesses reopen and ramp up operations in a Post-Covid environment, they will be anxious to move quickly and it could leave employees feeling a bit shell-shocked. An organization that isn’t focused on employee-centric policies could find their comeback facing major obstacles. In a Harvard Bus…

SUCCESS: Luck or Hard Work?

As most celebrate St. Patrick’s Day today, and the word luck gets thrown around, it is interesting to ask yourself a question. Is success a product of luck, chance and out of your control? Or, is it the product of hard work? Surprisingly, many successful people do consider themselves lucky, but th…

How Well Does Your Business Do The Collaboration Dance?

After my recent visits to the dentist, I started thinking of how critical collaboration is within that industry. The ‘ballet’ performed by the hygienist and the doctor is a product practice and precision. If their collaboration fails, the patient pays the price, either by losing time or experien…

Keeping a Lid on Workplace Drama

All the world’s a stage, but your office is a place of business. “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances…” (William Shakespeare) At work however, sometimes the DRAMA can stop your production in its tracks. Over t…

Connecting the Dots: Creating Rituals to Enhance Team Dynamics

In the early part of the 2000s Nextel launched cellphones that also served as Walkie-Talkies. The technology was new and demonstrated how communication was changing before our very eyes. I recently landed on one of their old TV commercials that made me think about how remote teams face similar chall…

Time to Bounce Back…

As the pandemic lingers and continues to alter lives on a global scale, and the economic conditions facing business owners continues uncertain, it is important to revisit the power of resiliency. This valuable human attribute has helped people worldwide overcome bleak conditions and has helped many …

Making Sales Ring

In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell uttered these famous words into a device of his invention, “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.” While not the most compelling conversation, it will go down in history as the first every telephone call ever made. This ground-breaking invention would change human comm…