October, 2021 - ActionCOACH

Monthly Archives: October 2021

Critical Non-Essentials: Building Brand Loyalty and Customer Retention

What is the difference between short-term clients and clients for life? What is the key to building retention? Why is building relationships so imperative in today’s business environments? In today’s fast changing world, clients have so many options it is even more important to strengthen bonds …

We’re Hiring. Recruiting and Attracting the Best Candidates for the Job.

“A great team is one of the best assets a business owner or operator can invest in” (Sugars, 2006). In his book, Instant Teambuilding, Brad Sugars the CEO and Founder of ActionCOACH details some keys to finding and keeping great team members. In today’s business climate, finding talent is not …

ActionCOACH in Nigeria: Starting a Business in the Heart of Africa.

Global expansion is exciting for most companies, but it can be a daunting task deciding on the where to invest time, energy, and resources to the highest rewards. In the coming months, ActionCOACH will be venturing into several overseas markets to bring its unique and highly successful business mode…

ActionCOACH Expanding Globally: Coming to a Country Near You

Starting a business is the dream of many. “Among the most common motivations, 55 percent of respondents said that they were opening their own business because they wanted to be their own boss (Guidantfinancial, 2019).” The next most popular reason is the ‘pursuit of a passion’. But desire an…