Face to Face Sales - ActionCOACH - Page 3

Posts or pages that belong to Face to Face Sales Category

Work Your Connections

What is your definition of selling? If your definition of selling is pressuring people to buy things they don’t want, then that belief may be holding your own sales back. ActionCOACH’s definition of selling is: “Professionally helping people buy what they want.” Let’s c…

Using Scripts to Sell More

When talking to business owners about using scripts in their businesses, this first question to answer usually revolves around the meaning of the word “script”. As consumers, we have all been subjected to the bad sales script- remember that telemarketer reading their lines to you word-fo…

Do Your Customers Buy On Price?

Many business owners that I speak to are firm believers that their customers are 90% if not totally price focused when shopping around for their product/service. Nothing is further from the truth. Price is really just a reflection of value and value is more that your raw product. Value is really abo…

The Power of Selling Solutions

Would you be surprised to learn that most people don’t like being in sales and don’t believe they are good at it? The reality is everyone is in sales of some sort and in ways many people don’t imagine. Why do some forms of selling illicit feelings of fear, disgust or sleaziness when other form…

Selling Your Business – The Hardest Sale You Will Ever Make

They say the three most stressful times in a person’s life are when they get married, buy a house and change jobs.  Well, try selling a business – It’s your baby, the thing you have built over 15 years.  You have put your heart, soul and an incalculable number of hours into it. …

Unable to Get a Sale?

Maybe you’re not in a big slump, but just can’t seem to hit the quota numbers. Let’s be kind and call it “sales under-achievement.” Don’t panic. Don’t press too hard. Don’t get down on yourself. Don’t get mad. And above all — don’t qu…

The Three Keys to Sales Success and Higher Income

As business owners, we depend on sales to provide us with the cashflow and profit we want and need. Whether you do the selling, have others sell for you or any such combination, your revenue, profit and income will always reflect how well you turn prospects into paying customers. So why do some owne…

Sales Are Getting Tougher

Your competitors are killing you on price. Your margins are shrinking as customers challenge you to meet the lowest price available. The company’s profits are under extreme pressure. Month after month, year after year, the price pressure rises. Customers get a constant overload of advertising …

5 Ways to Lose Your Customers by Brad Sugars

5 Ways to Lose Your Customers by Brad Sugars

5 Ways to Lose Your Customers by Brad Sugars There is a lot of discussion on customer retention; let’s take the opposite approach- “five sure fire ways to lose your customers.” To learn more, keep reading this post by Brad Sugars! Try to sell them something they already buy from y…

How To Deliver Winning Sales Presentations

Okay, you have listened carefully to what the customer has to say and you know exactly what he/she thinks they need and want. You actually do know what to recommend that will exceed their wildest dreams and will result in them begging you to accept their order. That’s fantastic!!! However ther…