Increase Avg Sales Dollar - ActionCOACH

Posts or pages that belong to Increase Avg Sales Dollar Category

Turn Your Business into a “Target Run”

Most people are familiar with the phrase “Going on a Target Run!” Whether pre-pandemic and through the COVID shopping restrictions, the one constant for my family has been the ‘Target Run’. This repetitive journey to the same retail outlet is a great example of how a business has successfull…

The Facts and Data Matter for Business Success

Facts and data aren’t sexy and truth doesn’t always get headlines. It’s easier to get attention through miss information or exaggeration. But what does that due to credibility and reputation over time? And more importantly, how do you make decisions without facts and data that are accurate. In…

Repeat Business = Profitability

Brad Sugars, the CEO & Founder of ActionCOACH discusses why repeat business means higher profitability for businesses regardless of size. Getting existing customers to buy more and more often not only establishes a loyal base, it provides a steady flow of revenue. In the brief VLOG included belo…

Testing and Measuring for better results

4 Way to Build Business Success: Part Four Testing & Measuring

In this four-part series we have explored strategies to maximize People and Education; Delivery and Distribution, Systems and Technology to grow your business results. What could possibly be left? Doesn’t it feel like you have all the areas covered? Not quite. If you have implemented systematic pr…

5 Ways to Build Your Business.

Business owners often look for quick fixes to improve their business.  They struggle to find ways to get more sales, more customer and higher profits. In the short video that follows, Brad Sugars, CEO and Founder of ActionCOACH narrates the 5 Ways to Build Your Business.  ActionCOACH focuses on bu…

conversion rate optimization

Helpful Strategies to Meaningfully Increase Sales at Your Store

Starting a business is the easiest thing that you can do. Running it successfully is the hard part. If you are business minded and have the finances to support the opening and execution of a business plan, you are well-positioned to set your business up for future success. The hard part however, is …

Avoid These 3 Mistakes and Increase Your Average Dollar Sale

It’s easier to increase your average dollar sale than you might realize. The main reason is that this happens with an existing customer-one that already knows you, likes you, and trusts you. Because it’s at least six times easier to sell to an existing customer than a total stranger, here are so…

Up Sell or Over Sell?

This question has been on my mind over the last few days.  I recently signed up for a tanning service in preparation for my wedding. I did my due diligence, called around and received what I thought to be the best price. I also wanted a location close to my office so that I would […]

3 Keys to Increasing Your Sales Numbers

The most important element in a business is profitable sales.  You can have the greatest product in the world, but if no one buys it then what difference does it make (Beta Max anyone?). Many people have challenges going into sales mode—they think that successful people are born that way. Not tru…

Improving Your Profit Margins

Profit Margins are critical to your profitability. You can have a fast growing business but without acceptable profit margins, all of your growth efforts will be for nothing. It is critically important that you not only know your overall margins, but you must know them by product or service type. Wh…