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Posts or pages that belong to Sales Category

Innovation at the Speed of Light

In the early 1960s President John F. Kennedy challenged the U.S. scientific community and the nation’s brightest minds to get a man on the moon in record time. Many believed the time table for that extraordinary feat was unattainable and unreasonable. It was only through embracing uncertainty …

Repeat Business = Profitability

Brad Sugars, the CEO & Founder of ActionCOACH discusses why repeat business means higher profitability for businesses regardless of size. Getting existing customers to buy more and more often not only establishes a loyal base, it provides a steady flow of revenue. In the brief VLOG included belo…

A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback

The frustration of the COVID Pandemic is now evolving. Some states have seen a steady trajectory toward reopening. Some businesses are seeing a bit of normalization in their operations happening. But most of the country is experiencing a bit of roller coaster ride as infection numbers ebb and rise a…

Testing and Measuring for better results

4 Way to Build Business Success: Part Four Testing & Measuring

In this four-part series we have explored strategies to maximize People and Education; Delivery and Distribution, Systems and Technology to grow your business results. What could possibly be left? Doesn’t it feel like you have all the areas covered? Not quite. If you have implemented systematic pr…

4 ways to improve business results

4 Way to Build Business Success: Part Three Systems & Technology

Now you have the team performing and they are delivering at a high level, with a stabilized distribution process, it’s time to systematize the management of the Business and leverage technology to move your business further The third part of this four-part series will focus on systematizing your o…

4 Way to Build Business Success: Part Two Delivery and Distribution

The second of our four-part series on how to build your business success explores delivery and distribution processes and systems within your organization. This series is design to provide practical and easy to implement solutions for long-term profit building. After focusing on ways to develop your…

Attitude is Everything

As the holiday weekend approaches and cities and countries continue to welcome customer and visitors back, the key ingredient for success is ATTITUDE. At all levels of your organization if the “attitude” isn’t one of positivism, can do and forward thinking, you might as well keep the doors clo…

An Ounce of Prevention is Priceless

If the Global Pandemic isn’t the definition of a life-altering event, then nothing is. The spread of COVID 19 has change lives all over the world. Not only has it served as a reminder of how fragile life is, it has put a spotlight on the need for crisis and recovery plans that extend far […]

Supporting Small Business: Free of Charge

More than 31% of all small businesses in the U.S. remained closed or partially closed due to the lingering effects of the COVID 19 Pandemic. (, 2020)) The disruption in small business commerce has had devastating consequences for owners who might never be able to recover. For those slowly …

Plan to Act: Join a GrowthCLUB

Planning is a critical part of doing business. Often, however business owners get so busy doing, they don’t take the time to plan the actions they need to take to be really successful. Planning seems cumbersome and without full organizational consensus, are often not implemented. Many believe that…