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Posts or pages that belong to Systems Category

Getting the Team Back to Work

Many major corporations like Google, Amazon and Twitter have stated that remote working will remain at the core of their organizations through at least the end of the year. Some companies have discovered that they can effectively operate outside the traditional trappings of an office. Many employees…

How Applying Leverage Can Get You Massive Business Results

Today, Brad Sugars, CEO & Founder of ActionCOACH discusses Leverage as it relates to the type of work business owners need to do to get massive results in their business. Too often Business Owners focus on the 80% of work that gets them 20% of the results. This as defined by Brad is Employee wor…


Winston Churchill uttered theses immortal words, “Never give up. Never. Never. Never” in 1941 as Britain faced down the threats of an overwhelming enemy during World War II. He gave his country a rallying cry and instilled them hope in the mist of very dire circumstances. Perseverance is somethi…

A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback

The frustration of the COVID Pandemic is now evolving. Some states have seen a steady trajectory toward reopening. Some businesses are seeing a bit of normalization in their operations happening. But most of the country is experiencing a bit of roller coaster ride as infection numbers ebb and rise a…

Testing and Measuring for better results

4 Way to Build Business Success: Part Four Testing & Measuring

In this four-part series we have explored strategies to maximize People and Education; Delivery and Distribution, Systems and Technology to grow your business results. What could possibly be left? Doesn’t it feel like you have all the areas covered? Not quite. If you have implemented systematic pr…

4 ways to improve business results

4 Way to Build Business Success: Part Three Systems & Technology

Now you have the team performing and they are delivering at a high level, with a stabilized distribution process, it’s time to systematize the management of the Business and leverage technology to move your business further The third part of this four-part series will focus on systematizing your o…