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Posts by: ActionCOACH Team

ActionCOACH, the world’s largest business coaching firm, was established and founded in Brisbane, Australia by Brad Sugars in 1993 when the concept of business coaching was still in its infancy. Since franchising the company in 1997, ActionCOACH has grown to more than 1000 business coaching franchises operating in more than 60 countries. ActionCOACH specializes in coaching small to medium sized businesses as well as executive teams and group coaching. ActionCOACH maintains its growth and strategic alliances by continual development of cutting-edge innovative technology, proven business processes and systems to add value, satisfaction and additional income streams for its franchisees.

Creating Raving Fans

If you have read about the Customer Ladder of Loyalty, you know the ladder starts with Suspects and peaks at Raving Fans – one of your business’ most valuable assets. Imagine what your business would be like if you had 500 Raving Fans on the street? Better than salespeople in one respect, they h…

Are You A Creative or Reactive Leader?

Good leaders are creative rather than reactive.  In other words, they anticipate future demands and trends and make new products or tailor the ones they already have to suit that future. It’s more important than ever to be able to understand how those changes will affect your business and establi…

How To Woo Existing Customers

Retaining existing customers is far easier, and much less costly, than looking for new customers. But so many businesses believe the exact opposite. Too many businesses spend precious resources focusing on finding new customers as the driver of their business growth. Consequently, the business can b…

The Seven Rungs on the Ladder of Customer Loyalty

Creating customer loyalty isn’t a trade secret. It’s not magic, it’s not something only a few special people understand. It’s also not something that can be done overnight. There are seven rungs on the ladder of customer loyalty and two aspects to increase the value of your marketing. This, …

blogging, woman reading blog

Blogging Like A Pro

Blogging may well be the last thing on the list for a busy entrepreneur, which really isn’t that surprising. Blogging is not a medium in which you can often see an immediate return. But the truth is that blogging does, in fact, make a substantial difference in your business. It can expand the reac…

Panic attack in public place. Woman having panic disorder in city. Psychology, solitude, fear or mental health problems concept.

Stress Busters for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is stressful. If you’re going to survive with your sanity and or family intact, you are going to need to learn a few coping strategies, the most paramount of which may be mindfulness. The following are seven ways you can keep stress at a minimum and prime yourself for success. 1. …

Impossible Concept With Businessman and Wooden Blocks

Overcoming Adversity in Business

As an entrepreneur, you have to learn to overcome adversity without falling to pieces. It’s a skill that is learned and not natural for many. Hey, rejection and failure are hard for everyone. The difference between an entrepreneur and someone else is that an entrepreneur will treat failure as a le…

Smartphone media technology and social network concept

Best Apps for Business Owners

As an entrepreneur, it would be nice if life could hand you an “easy” button. Alas, that’s not how things work. However, there are, in this digital age, a number of mobile apps designed to make your life more streamlined and productive. We’ve profiled the top five below. Pocket The Pocket mo…

A newspaper on a wooden desk - Press Release

How To Write a Press Release

For most, the art of getting media coverage is a mystery. But it all begins with a press release. What is a press release? What information should it include? How do you know what’s news and what isn’t? We’ve got some tips and suggestions on press release writing for business owners below. Ens…

Glass ball reflection of the sunrise over the ocean.

Creating in Canva

Keeping your social media feeds fresh with content and images that look both polished and new is paramount to creating a substantial following. There are a lot of programs that can assist in creating images for social media, but we recommend Canva. It’s easy to use. Just create a free account and …