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Posts or pages that belong to Self Category

Hello. Can you Hear Me? Are you Listening?

Have you had this happen to you? You are on the phone with a ‘customer service’ representative and you are trying to fix an issue of some kind. The conversation starts out ok, but soon you realize that the rep on the line isn’t really listening to you. They are trying to force in key […]

What is your formula for Success?

Creating change in your life requires several elements and actions. When you consider success, it is not by accident that people achieve great things, use a systemized approach. In a recent DriveTime video VIDEO, Brad Sugars, founder, and CEO of ActionCOACH discusses his formula for success. Success…

SUCCESS: Luck or Hard Work?

As most celebrate St. Patrick’s Day today, and the word luck gets thrown around, it is interesting to ask yourself a question. Is success a product of luck, chance and out of your control? Or, is it the product of hard work? Surprisingly, many successful people do consider themselves lucky, but th…

Passion vs. Stress. It’s a Vision Quest.

We all know someone who works long hours, is committed to their work, and finds great joy in what they do. The people we label passionate. We also know people that work late, are fully committed to what they do, but find no joy in what they do. These people we label stressed. It is […]

Reflections on 2020

This time of year, you will see many retrospectives about the year that was. 2020 will have many memorable moments, but not many we actual want to reflect on or remember. The Global Coronavirus Pandemic, the devastating forest fires, the murder hornets, the election madness, the social unrest and pr…

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

“You never fail until you stop trying” – Albert Einstein As this “dumpster fire” of the year grinds to an end, many business owners are searching for inspiration for the new year. If your business wants to make real change and change its trajectory, consider actually sticking to so…

There is a Formula for That…

Look at any successful person and you will find some common denominators. When you break down the characteristics of successful people there are several commonalities. You define success for yourself and you shouldn’t focus on someone else’s definition of success to define you. But what you can …

Put Me In Coach. Defining Success

Success means different things to different people. It might be something different to the same person at a different stage of their life. No one should define success for you. You are the only one that can define and refine what success means to you at any given time. Take a pro-athlete in any spor…

What’s Your Road Map?

When you start a road trip you have an end point in mind and there is a lot of planning. What to take, how many days will it take to get there? How many stops will you need to make? How much gas will you need? Who sits where in the car? What types of […]

It’s Serendipity

Sometimes it feels like you can’t control anything. Everything is out of whack and totally out of sync. You feel helpless. It’s maddening. Most of us want control and even when we know we can’t affect the weather or traffic we stress and worry. But rarely do we look for the possibilities? Some…