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Posts or pages that belong to Managing Your Time Category

Connecting the Dots: Creating Rituals to Enhance Team Dynamics

In the early part of the 2000s Nextel launched cellphones that also served as Walkie-Talkies. The technology was new and demonstrated how communication was changing before our very eyes. I recently landed on one of their old TV commercials that made me think about how remote teams face similar chall…

Time to Bounce Back…

As the pandemic lingers and continues to alter lives on a global scale, and the economic conditions facing business owners continues uncertain, it is important to revisit the power of resiliency. This valuable human attribute has helped people worldwide overcome bleak conditions and has helped many …

Time to Take the Pulse of Your Organization

You can feel the stress building in the office. When your team convenes on Zoom calls, you can sense their anxiety. The smallest of discussions become huge drama-filled ordeals. Some unknown stress is spreading like a virus. It’s creeping into the psyche of your entire organization. Instead of ign…

2021: New Year. New Possibilities.

As 2021 dawns business owners face challenges and obstacles that they have never faced before. To start the year with a new prospective it might be time to get a Business Health Check. This check up ensures your business is focusing on the most important opportunities. Just like personal resolutions…

Reflections on 2020

This time of year, you will see many retrospectives about the year that was. 2020 will have many memorable moments, but not many we actual want to reflect on or remember. The Global Coronavirus Pandemic, the devastating forest fires, the murder hornets, the election madness, the social unrest and pr…

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

“You never fail until you stop trying” – Albert Einstein As this “dumpster fire” of the year grinds to an end, many business owners are searching for inspiration for the new year. If your business wants to make real change and change its trajectory, consider actually sticking to so…

Baby It’s Cold Outside and Inside the Sales Process

How do you make a connection in a world where face-to-face networking is nearly impossible? Cold calling has always been a tactic to get clients and prospects but in a business climate where making personal connection has been made even more difficult, cold calling, cold-emailing and prospect market…

A Passion Play

You have a passion of business and you want to own your own someday. You want to be in control of your own destiny and future. To start a business, you need an idea. You need a business plan. You need funding and you need an infrastructure to ensure your business has a solid foundation. […]

What’s Your Road Map?

When you start a road trip you have an end point in mind and there is a lot of planning. What to take, how many days will it take to get there? How many stops will you need to make? How much gas will you need? Who sits where in the car? What types of […]