Increase Avg Sales Dollar - ActionCOACH - Page 2

Posts or pages that belong to Increase Avg Sales Dollar Category

5 Reasons To Improve Your Sales Process

When was the last time you reviewed the process by which you convert prospects to paying customers? If it’s been a while, here’s why it would be a good idea: Consistency – Your prospects expect it and you need it. Does your sales team follow the same process with every prospect? Consistenc…

3 Keys to Increasing Your Sales Numbers

The most important element in a business is profitable sales.  You can have the greatest product in the world, but if no one buys it then what difference does it make (Beta Max anyone?). Many people have challenges going into sales mode—they think that successful people are born that way. Not tru…


No other recession has done as much damage to your sales as this one. But the power a recession possesses lies in the perception of the producer. Here’s a question. Is your sales volume down this year over last? If yes, is your activity down as well? If you said no, you’re among the luck…

The 1% Change

As soon as you have set a goal you have created a destination you want to reach. When you have set the destination, you have created a gap, a gap between where you are now and where you’re going. The gap, of course, must be bridged or filled. If the gap is small and what […]

Increase Sales with a Sales System

A key challenge business owners face with the sales people they employ is inconsistency in sales results. Many business owners struggle to pin down the exact cause(s) of these inconsistent results and usually end up churning sales reps on a frequent basis as a result of pure frustration. Of course, …

Discounts vs. Profits

Do you have (or have you ever had) one of those salespeople who thinks that giving a discount is the easiest, quickest way to make a sale? Of course, they may be right, but what about the profit (your profit) they’re giving away? If your product has a profit margin of 30% and your salespeople […]

6 Keys to Entertaining Your Audience While Persuading Them to Buy

When appearing on radio or television, it’s vital that you maximize the opportunity you have created or been given. Here are just a few thoughts about how to do that: Quote from your book, business, product or cause. Tag the pages in your book or materials and rank them in priority. Give the a…

6 Keys to Entertaining Your Audience While Persuading Them to Buy

When appearing on radio or television, it’s vital that you maximize the opportunity you have created or been given. Here are just a few thoughts about how to do that: Quote from your book, business, product or cause. Tag the pages in your book or materials and rank them in priority. Give the a…

Identity Iceberg

Many of us are challenged with achieving the results we desire. We have dreams, we set goals, we develop action steps and implement plans to achieve them. However, many of us never achieve what we set out to accomplish? Why is that? One of the great lessons I have learned is that when we are […]

Is it the Economy or Your Attitude?

Many business people believe that there is nothing they can do to be successful in this economy. They don’t believe there is anything they can do differently to change their fortunes during these challenging times. They think if they work harder, put in more hours or cut expenses it will cure thei…