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Posts or pages that belong to Franchising Category

Passion vs. Stress. It’s a Vision Quest.

We all know someone who works long hours, is committed to their work, and finds great joy in what they do. The people we label passionate. We also know people that work late, are fully committed to what they do, but find no joy in what they do. These people we label stressed. It is […]

Time to Bounce Back…

As the pandemic lingers and continues to alter lives on a global scale, and the economic conditions facing business owners continues uncertain, it is important to revisit the power of resiliency. This valuable human attribute has helped people worldwide overcome bleak conditions and has helped many …

Making Sales Ring

In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell uttered these famous words into a device of his invention, “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.” While not the most compelling conversation, it will go down in history as the first every telephone call ever made. This ground-breaking invention would change human comm…

Time to Take the Pulse of Your Organization

You can feel the stress building in the office. When your team convenes on Zoom calls, you can sense their anxiety. The smallest of discussions become huge drama-filled ordeals. Some unknown stress is spreading like a virus. It’s creeping into the psyche of your entire organization. Instead of ign…

Commitment: What does it mean in your organization?

As a part of our focus on Mastery, in the month of January, today we take a deeper look at Destination Mastery. Destination Mastery means a business owner needs to have a clear mission and vision for the organization. These key doctrines serve as a foundation for everything the business does and ser…

Are you a business Rembrandt?

Mastery is defined formally as a “comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment” (, 2021). Rembrandt is known as a great Master of art and is one of a few notable artists who have ever achieved that status based on the quality and quantity of his art. Rembrandt is…

The Facts and Data Matter for Business Success

Facts and data aren’t sexy and truth doesn’t always get headlines. It’s easier to get attention through miss information or exaggeration. But what does that due to credibility and reputation over time? And more importantly, how do you make decisions without facts and data that are accurate. In…

It’s Complicated. Business Insight from a Veteran Business Coach.

Business is complex. It is a not for the weak at heart. It requires dedication, passion and investment. In today’s marketplace, business has become even harder, even more complicated. How do you sort out the noise and really focus on the most critical factors for success? Sometimes, business o…

There is a Formula for That…

Look at any successful person and you will find some common denominators. When you break down the characteristics of successful people there are several commonalities. You define success for yourself and you shouldn’t focus on someone else’s definition of success to define you. But what you can …

Planning. Why it’s Critical for Success.

You’ve tried planning ahead only to be upended due to unexpected circumstances. If you can’t rely on a plan to help you chart a course, why should you do it? Why waste the time? If you follow the definition of planning as you guide you will see why the process is so critical to any […]