Increase Avg Sales Dollar - ActionCOACH - Page 3

Posts or pages that belong to Increase Avg Sales Dollar Category

How to Master Money

What is one of the most critical aspects of getting you to the finish line and really knowing you have arrived? Money Mastery. While some of you may be tempted to push on and read the next article, I encourage you to take the time to read this section now; how else will you know […]

Would You Like Fries With That?

Most sales trainers agree there are a certain number of steps that need to be taken towards making a sale; typically the steps are: Greet the customer (Acknowledge, qualify & open the sale, etc.) Probe to discover needs & wants (Ask questions, sales interview, etc.) Recommend product (Demons…

7 Savvy Business Practices from those in the Trenches

I frequently talk with business owners about their challenges. My research indicates that there are some folks who are doing some pretty smart things. Here are the Top 7 I have observed lately: 1. Persistence Pays. Frequently, when a prospect says “NO”, it really means “not nowR…

7 Savvy Business Practices from those in the Trenches

I frequently talk with business owners about their challenges. My research indicates that there are some folks who are doing some pretty smart things. Here are the Top 7 I have observed lately: 1. Persistence Pays. Frequently, when a prospect says “NO”, it really means “not nowR…

How to Get Your Customers to Spend More Money

A business owner can boost average dollar sale by getting his customers to spend more money with him. Suggest the Most Expensive Item First: Customers may be convinced to buy the more expensive item if you immediately communicate its benefits. You should never assume that your customers want the che…

Have a Minimum Order Amount

A business owner can boost average dollar sale by getting his customers to have a minimum order amount. Have a Minimum $ Order Amount: If you’re in a service or trade business where you need to travel to your clients, you should consider a minimum dollar order. Many pizza and takeaway food sto…

A User-Friendly Model for Business Growth

The driving reason for many entrepreneurs to start a business is freedom- the freedom to work for themselves and have more time to themselves, as well as financial freedom or just the freedom of knowing they are in charge. Yet despite this longing to be in charge, for most business owners the exact …

Consistent Decisions are the Key to Long Term Success

I work with so many clients that feel overwhelmed and out of control.  They believe the lie that if they just had more time, or if they managed their time better, that they would lose that feeling.  The fact is that the feelings of overwhelm are rooted in a lack of clarity about what is […]

Promotions and Specials

By running in-store promotions and flashing light specials, a business owner can boost average dollar sale. In-Store Promotions: Run in store promotions on a regular basis to create interest in products or services people will buy as an add on, or on an impulse. These could take the form of product …

Using Lay-Away As a Selling Technique For Boosting Sales

A business owner can boost average dollar sale by providing Lay-Away. Allow Lay-Away: A great way to get people to buy products that they can’t really afford right now and increase your average dollar sale. It has the added advantage of bringing them into your store on a regular basis to make …