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Posts or pages that belong to Customer Service Category

Commitment: What does it mean in your organization?

As a part of our focus on Mastery, in the month of January, today we take a deeper look at Destination Mastery. Destination Mastery means a business owner needs to have a clear mission and vision for the organization. These key doctrines serve as a foundation for everything the business does and ser…

Are you a business Rembrandt?

Mastery is defined formally as a “comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment” (, 2021). Rembrandt is known as a great Master of art and is one of a few notable artists who have ever achieved that status based on the quality and quantity of his art. Rembrandt is…

2021: New Year. New Possibilities.

As 2021 dawns business owners face challenges and obstacles that they have never faced before. To start the year with a new prospective it might be time to get a Business Health Check. This check up ensures your business is focusing on the most important opportunities. Just like personal resolutions…

Baby It’s Cold Outside and Inside the Sales Process

How do you make a connection in a world where face-to-face networking is nearly impossible? Cold calling has always been a tactic to get clients and prospects but in a business climate where making personal connection has been made even more difficult, cold calling, cold-emailing and prospect market…

It’s Complicated. Business Insight from a Veteran Business Coach.

Business is complex. It is a not for the weak at heart. It requires dedication, passion and investment. In today’s marketplace, business has become even harder, even more complicated. How do you sort out the noise and really focus on the most critical factors for success? Sometimes, business o…

Planning. Why it’s Critical for Success.

You’ve tried planning ahead only to be upended due to unexpected circumstances. If you can’t rely on a plan to help you chart a course, why should you do it? Why waste the time? If you follow the definition of planning as you guide you will see why the process is so critical to any […]

Innovation at the Speed of Light

In the early 1960s President John F. Kennedy challenged the U.S. scientific community and the nation’s brightest minds to get a man on the moon in record time. Many believed the time table for that extraordinary feat was unattainable and unreasonable. It was only through embracing uncertainty …

Repeat Business = Profitability

Brad Sugars, the CEO & Founder of ActionCOACH discusses why repeat business means higher profitability for businesses regardless of size. Getting existing customers to buy more and more often not only establishes a loyal base, it provides a steady flow of revenue. In the brief VLOG included belo…

Getting the Team Back to Work

Many major corporations like Google, Amazon and Twitter have stated that remote working will remain at the core of their organizations through at least the end of the year. Some companies have discovered that they can effectively operate outside the traditional trappings of an office. Many employees…