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Posts or pages that belong to Franchise Category

Justice, Equity and Fairness. How Business can Improve Employee Morale.

We throw the words justice, ethics, fairness, and equity around in business all the time. Many believe these words have similar meanings and that they can be applied with the same scale of measurement in both business life and public life. It is important to define each word and clearly align them w…

5 Ways to Build Trust in Your Business

As businesses reopen and ramp up operations in a Post-Covid environment, they will be anxious to move quickly and it could leave employees feeling a bit shell-shocked. An organization that isn’t focused on employee-centric policies could find their comeback facing major obstacles. In a Harvard Bus…

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Throughout history, there are stories of inspirational women who demonstrated reliance, strength, and courage. Today on International Women’s Day, lets celebrate some women in business that have paved the way for so many. Entrepreneurship can be a difficult road but for women it is even more chall…

Passion vs. Stress. It’s a Vision Quest.

We all know someone who works long hours, is committed to their work, and finds great joy in what they do. The people we label passionate. We also know people that work late, are fully committed to what they do, but find no joy in what they do. These people we label stressed. It is […]

There is a Formula for That…

Look at any successful person and you will find some common denominators. When you break down the characteristics of successful people there are several commonalities. You define success for yourself and you shouldn’t focus on someone else’s definition of success to define you. But what you can …

Planning. Why it’s Critical for Success.

You’ve tried planning ahead only to be upended due to unexpected circumstances. If you can’t rely on a plan to help you chart a course, why should you do it? Why waste the time? If you follow the definition of planning as you guide you will see why the process is so critical to any […]

What is a Host Beneficiary?

In a recent DRIVETime Video segment CEO and Founder of ActionCOACH Brad Sugars detailed a great lead generating strategy called Host Beneficiary. This unique lead generation approach partners your business with a business that has a like customer type. Consider a high-end clothing boutique and a lux…

A Passion Play

You have a passion of business and you want to own your own someday. You want to be in control of your own destiny and future. To start a business, you need an idea. You need a business plan. You need funding and you need an infrastructure to ensure your business has a solid foundation. […]

What’s Your Road Map?

When you start a road trip you have an end point in mind and there is a lot of planning. What to take, how many days will it take to get there? How many stops will you need to make? How much gas will you need? Who sits where in the car? What types of […]

Repeat Business = Profitability

Brad Sugars, the CEO & Founder of ActionCOACH discusses why repeat business means higher profitability for businesses regardless of size. Getting existing customers to buy more and more often not only establishes a loyal base, it provides a steady flow of revenue. In the brief VLOG included belo…