Conversion Rates - ActionCOACH - Page 3

Posts or pages that belong to Conversion Rates Category

Make Your Customers Sell For You by Brad Sugars

Make Your Customers Sell For You by Brad Sugars

Make Your Customers Sell For You by Brad Sugars Raving fans are customers who are so over the moon with the business and the service you provide that they will not only tell all their friends and colleagues about you, but actually bring them to you and help you make sales to them. To learn […]

Having an Effective Follow-up System For Prospects and Clients

Have you ever wondered what is just the right amount of follow up?  I mean, you wouldn’t want to be perceived as pushy, would you?  Of course, I’m being a little cheeky, because you should not look at having a great follow-up system as anything less than an important part of your busin…

Increase Your Conversion Rates and Boost Sales

Here are a few ways of boosting your conversion rate: Charge For Normally Free Advice: This will set you up as the expert, and put you in a far better position when it comes to crunch time. You may not deal with as many prospects but, every one you do deal with is well qualified. […]

Setting Sales Goals and Measuring Results

Every business owner needs to set clear sales targets and constantlty test and measure results; in this case, conversion rates. Set Sales Targets: Give your salespeople a clear idea of what you need them to achieve. Explain the exact reasons why they need to achieve it, and outline your financial si…

Company Profile and Factory Tours

A well-documented company profile can be a great sales tool for any business. Company Profile: This can work as a serious sales tool – you create a five to six page document detailing what makes your company so great. More importantly, talk about why your company is the best choice for the pro…

Target Better Prospects and Give Away to Boost Your Conversions

It is important for the business owner to target the right sort of people to his business. Also giving away can be a great long-term investment and can be used for converting prospects to customers. Target Better Prospects: If you’re having serious trouble with your conversion rate, you may wa…

What is a First Buyer Incentive?

What is a First Buyer’s Incentive? Provide A First Buyer’s Incentive: That is, give something extra if it’s the first time someone has dealt with you. Naturally, this offer ends in a couple of days, so they better hurry. Here are some useful hints and tips on providing this type of inc…

Accept Trade-ins And Encourage Bulk Buy Specials

Accepting trade-ins, offering bulk-buy specials and using the motivators of fear and pain by showing scarcity are great ways of increasing your conversion rate. Here’s how: Accept trade-ins: This gives you the edge; it means that people can kill two birds with one stone. They can buy something…

Revamp Your Direct Mail Material

It is important to constantly refresh and revamp your direct mail material and it is essential to keep collecting all prospects’ details. Change Your Direct Mail Pieces: You should be constantly improving you marketing material. Once it works, keep it, but occasionally try something different.…

Run Competitions and Carry Out Surveys

Running competitions and having customer surveys are helpful in boosting your conversion rate. Run Competitions: Run a competition where the prize is something that will be super-attractive to your target market. You can arrange the prize at an excellent price, or perhaps even free, as the other com…